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Why control statement Link to heading

Control statements allow actions to happen depending on a condition.

  • The action may involve setting a value.
  • The action may involve running a different query.

IF - ELSE statements Link to heading

Syntax Link to heading

IF boolean_expression
     { sql_statement | statement_block }
     { sql_statement | statement_block } ]

Arguments Link to heading

  1. boolean_expression
  • Is an expression that returns TRUE or FALSE. If the Boolean expression contains a SELECT statement, the SELECT statement must be enclosed in parentheses.
  1. { sql_statement | statement_block }
  • Is any Transact-SQL statement or statement grouping as defined by using a statement block. Unless a statement block is used, the IF or ELSE condition can affect the performance of only one Transact-SQL statement.

To define a statement block, use the control-of-flow keywords BEGIN and END.

🔗 Microsoft

Example Link to heading

IF DATENAME (dw, 2002-07-03) IN (N'Saturday', N'Sunday')
    SELECT 'Weekend' AS result;
    SELECT 'Weekday' AS result;



CASE statement Link to heading

This statement is akin to IF…ELSE but can be used within a query to change a particular value.

Syntax Link to heading

CASE input_expression
    WHEN when_expression THEN result_expression [ ...n ]
    [ ELSE else_result_expression ]

Arguments Link to heading

  1. input_expression
  • The expression evaluated when the simple CASE format is used. input_expression is any valid expression.
  1. WHEN when_expression
  • A simple expression to which input_expression is compared when the simple CASE format is used. when_expression is any valid expression. The data types of input_expression and each when_expression must be the same or must be an implicit conversion.
  1. THEN result_expression
  • The expression returned when input_expression equals when_expression evaluates to TRUE, or Boolean_expression evaluates to TRUE. result expression is any valid expression.
  1. ELSE else_result_expression
  • The expression returned if no comparison operation evaluates to TRUE. If this argument is omitted and no comparison operation evaluates to TRUE, CASE returns NULL. else_result_expression is any valid expression. The data types of else_result_expression and any result_expression must be the same or must be an implicit conversion.
  1. WHEN Boolean_expression
  • The Boolean expression evaluated when using the searched CASE format. Boolean_expression is any valid Boolean expression.

🔗 Microsoft

Example Link to heading

        WHEN (E.Salary > 75) THEN 'Over Paid'
        WHEN (E.Salary <= 40) THEN 'Under Paid'
        ELSE 'Adequately Paid'
    ) AS PayConclusion
FROM Employee AS E
  • The CASE statement returns a single column called “PayConclusion” with value that depends on the employee salary.

Sample result:

CASE statementexample